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Showing 37 - 43 of 43
A male student wearing glasses and a denim jacket
Sam Claydon


Hi I’m Sam, I'm studying Game Development Art at Falmouth and I've really enjoyed my tim...

Sarah Foster
Sarah Foster


Hi! I'm Sarah, an Illustration student from the sleepy outskirts of London. Illustration a...

A headshot of film and television student Seb Morgan
Seb Morgan


I’m Seb, an online master's student based in The Lake District. My background is in performing art...

A Falmouth University student with a moustache, wearing a dark orange jumper


Hi! I am from Madeira, and although I loved it there I knew that to achieve my goals I needed to lea...

Profile photo of student content creator Violet
Violet Student Voice Image


Hi, my name is Violet, and I am from Newquay, Cornwall. I am studying Business & Digital Marketi...

A man crouches wearing paintball gear, shooting a paintball gun
Winston paintball


I'm a Singaporean who loves to edit videos and photos. Generally, I take the time to just enjoy the ...

A female student sat in a car with the sun on half of her face
Zoe Smith Student Ambassador


Hi, I am Zoe, and I am a Television student from Somerset. Living in Cornwall has been the best e...


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Brightly dressed Falmouth students having coffee in brightly decorated cafe.

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four Creative Advertising students laughing around a table