Commercial Photography BA student lands exciting industry commission

24 May 2024

Maeve Williamson
Maeve Williamson
Type: Text
Category: Student stories

Maeve Williamson, a second-year Commercial Photography BA  student, has landed an exciting commission from Cornwall Content, a content agency to produce eye-catching food photography for local businesses. 

The opportunity arose for Maeve after completing module during the second year of her studies, focused on a specific client brief. After making local industry connections and gaining work experience, Maeve was given the opportunity to step into the world of professional food photography, and we caught up with her to hear more about her experience:  

“I’m Maeve Williamson, a second-year Commercial Photography BA student. During our second-year studies, we had a module focusing on working with clients and building our portfolio. We were encouraged to find companies and individuals to work with, being taught professional skills such as how to communicate with clients and how to put a cohesive portfolio together.  

“This year I have been particularly interested in food photography, so I got in touch with an agency called Cornwall Content, a marketing agency for small businesses in Cornwall. Through my work experience with them, I worked with The Tolcarne Inn in Newlyn and The Driftwood Spars pub in St Agnes. After two successful shoots, I was commissioned to come back and work with the microbrewery at The Driftwood Spars, creating content for their social media channels. I thoroughly enjoyed these shoots and believe I’ve found my style more and feel more confident in what I’d like to do as a professional photographer.” 

“Lucy Studley, the founder of Cornwall Content, has made me feel valued as a photographer and I’ve learnt a lot since working with her. I was super lucky to feel listened to and recognised when starting out in the industry, especially as a student. I had previously worked with Rowes bakery alongside , Max Longman , who is a student on Press & Editorial Photography BA (now known as Documentary & Editorial Photography BA). This was also a great learning experience and I felt it helped me feel more comfortable when starting this module and reaching out to clients. . This was also a great learning experience and I felt it helped me feel more comfortable when starting this module and reaching out to clients.” 

“I feel as though the work I’ve produced with Cornwall Content has been my strongest work yet and I wouldn’t have been pushed to do it without being on my course and this module. I finished this term with a strong portfolio of work which will hopefully help with getting work with future clients. Moving forward into my final year, I feel confident in my work and want to keep refining it and working with more food-based clients.” 

“A big part of the photography industry is about who you know, so it’s super important to be confident in getting in touch with people and putting yourself out there. It may not always work out, and your emails will be ignored by a lot of clients, but it can work out and then lead to something even bigger. You won’t be successful if you don’t try and reach out, and this module really encouraged that.” 

See more of Maeve’s work and get in touch via Instagram @maevewphotos

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