Staying Safe

Falmouth and Penryn are vibrant, diverse and safe places to live, study and work, and as a University we have a zero tolerance policy towards violence, harrassment or discrimination.
You'll find below advice on keeping yourself safe and well where possible, and also information on where you can access help and support should you need it.
Protect yourself
- Take care when you drink alcohol: it's best to eat before you drink alcohol and drink plenty of water. Never leave your drink unattended or accept a drink from a stranger.
- Look out for your friends: If you're out with friends and you're concerned they may be drinking too much don't be afraid to speak up and try not to let them wander off on their own.
- Stay vigilant: particularly when using your mobile phone while you're out and about.
- Keep an eye on belongings: don't leave your belongings unattended in publically accessible places. Members of the public can access our campuses, so it's best to keep an eye on your valuables.
- Getting home at night: make sure your mobile is charged and able to make calls when you go out; try to leave a pub, club or event with friends and keep hold of some money for a taxi – be sure to pre-book a licenced taxi or know the locations of official taxi ranks. If you have to walk home, try to stick to well-lit areas.
Protect your belongings and home
Lock your doors and windows when you go out of your accommodation
Keep valuables out of sight, security mark them and think about registering them so they can be identified if they’re stolen and recovered by the police
If you have a bike, get a good bike lock and make sure you always lock it to something secure
- Check your accommodation has working smoke alarms and a current gas certificate
Emergency help
If you don’t feel you can keep yourself safe, or you’re worried about someone else, seek immediate help:
Go, or take the other person, to any hospital A&E department
Call 999 and ask for an ambulance if you can’t get to A&E
If you need some support right now, but don’t want to go to A&E, here are some other options:
Contact the Samaritans for free on 116 123. They’re open 24 hours and are there to listen.
Contact your GP for an emergency appointment
Call NHS 111
Sexual consent
It is an offence for a person to intentionally touch another person sexually without reasonable belief that they consented. Touching covers all physical contact, whether with a part of the body or anything else – including through clothing. It is also a criminal offense to take a photo underneath someone's clothing without their consent.
Consenting to one form of sexual activity does not mean implied consent to any other e.g. kissing doesn’t mean a person has agreed to anything else, and consenting on one occasion does not imply consent on another.
Consent can be withdrawn at any point and at any time and it cannot be given if a person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
Important contacts
If you are a victim of crime
In an emergency: 999
For non-emergencies: 101
FXPlus 24/7 Emergency Line:
T: +44(0) 1326 254444 (4444 internal)
T: (Glasney Lodge Residence ) +44(0) 1326 253503
FXPlus Campus Security
If you need support as a result of being a victim of crime, visit Victim Support
The Living Support team can also provide support and assistance, including practical help and guidance when liasing with police and other external agencies.
If you are a victim of sexual assault
In an emergency: 999
For non-emergencies: 101
The Living Support team works closely with the local Sexual Assault Referral Centre and can arrange confidential appointments for students with an Independent Sexual Violence Advocate.
Contact Living Support
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