Accessibility Support

Students getting help at a desk in accessibility and learning office.

The Accessibility Team is here to provide information and advice on disability issues and facilitate support for those with, for example, sensory or mobility impairments, long-term health conditions, specific learning difficulties, autistic spectrum conditions or mental health difficulties.  

The Accessibility Team is made up of a team of specialist advisors who provide information and advice on disability issues, Individual Learning Plans and Disabled Students’ Allowance.  

It is important to get support in place before you arrive at university and setting up support can sometimes take longer than expected, therefore please tell us about your disability as soon as possible. This will ensure you have a smooth transition into university life at Falmouth.    

You may decide not to disclose before beginning your studies but later realise you’d like some help and assistance. If this happens to you, we can still help and we encourage you to reach out to us - even if you’re unsure about what support you might need. We understand it can be hard to ask for help, but we’re here to make sure you have what you need to succeed.     

The Accessibility team liaises with students to create Individual Learning Plans (ILPs) which recommend reasonable adjustments to help you succeed at university. 

This is funding that students can get on top of their Student Finance. It can help pay for support that you might need at university due to a disability, health condition, autistic spectrum condition or specific learning difference (such as dyslexia, dyspraxia or ADHD). 

Find out more about both of these by visiting the Disability, Health and Wellbeing page


Get in touch 

We're committed to taking care of any personal data you share with us. For more information, please see our Confidentiality Policy.   

Further support

Students in a square on campus


Explore access guides to both our Penryn and Falmouth campuses

Member of staff chatting with student in library.
ASK: Academic Skills block
ASK: Academic Skills

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Student smiling and sitting on wall in Fox cafe.
Student life students sitting on wall internal

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