Futures of Audio Storytelling

microphone and audio recording screen photo

This Research & Knowledge Exchange Doctoral Project brief summarises our priority areas of research interest under the heading of: Futures of Audio Storytelling.

We welcome all research degree applications aligned with and in response to this brief.

Project details

Audio storytelling attracts huge audiences, and the production of radio, podcasting and narrative audio installations (e.g. in galleries or museums) is a large and growing sector internationally. Radio, podcasting, audio and voice are also vibrant areas of research internationally and Falmouth is at the cutting edge of this work and part of international networks of researchers and media organisations in this field.  

We are looking for researchers who want to join us to explore production, texts or audiences in the area of factual/non-fiction narrative audio, with a view to helping shape its future place in the world.  

We welcome traditional and practice-based doctoral projects and we are open to historical studies, textual analysis, design, sociological, data-based and other approaches within the arts, social sciences and humanities. 

Key challenges you could consider are  

  • The critical, creative vocabulary to discuss audio media is very under-developed, compared with TV, film and books. How should we address this? 
  • How we might understand the possibilities and the challenges presented by smart speakers, wearable media, spatial and object-based audio, social audio, platformisation, the use of video in podcasting, and other developments. What could they mean for producers’ place in the world and their relationships with audiences?  
  • Geolocated and mobile media are still not fully explored as media for place-based, immersive and participatory audio journalism – how could we experiment with these? 
  • How are people finding and engaging with broadcast radio in the on-demand age?  
  • How can new audio technologies serve or under-serve diverse audiences?  
  • Who works in these industries and what are the conditions they work under?  
  • How do professional cultures interact with technological change?  
  • How do we educate or train audio producers? 

Strategic alignment

Projects deriving from this brief are expected to sit within the Research & Knowledge Exchange strategy and the following department.

Department School of Communication

All successful research degree project proposals must emphasise a clear alignment between the project idea and our Research & Knowledge Exchange strategy.

Project brief lead

Dr Abigail Wincott profile image
Dr Abigail Wincott profile image

Project Brief Supervisor: Dr Abigail Wincott

Abigail Wincott has over 20 years' experience as a journalist and producer in print, broadcast and online, including 15 years at BBC Radio 4 and the World Service. At the BBC she produced and presented a range of output across education, current affairs, arts, science and documentaries for UK and international audiences. In 2007 she went part-time at the BBC to teach media production and journalism at the University of Brighton, where she completed a PhD part-time in 2017. She joined Falmouth University's School of Writing and Journalism in 2019, where she teaches journalism and communication theory and practice, specialising in radio/audio production.

Staff profile

How to apply

Apply for a Research MPhil or PhD

We welcome all research degree applications aligned with this Doctoral Project brief. ​To apply in response to this brief or learn about the application process click the button below.

Apply for a Research Degree
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Project brief & project proposal enquiries

To discuss this project brief, ideas or project proposal responding to this brief, please contact: Dr Abigail Wincott

E: abigail.wincott@falmouth.ac.uk

Application enquiries

For all other application related enquires please contact the Research & Development team.

E: research@falmouth.ac.uk

T01326 255831

Additional resources

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Falmouth staff at table

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