Getting started with Adobe

A student sat at a table with a laptop and yellow walls
Tuition fees per individual £55*
Delivered online

Fresh new course offerings starting in September

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*If you're a student or staff different fees apply. Please visit our dedicated student and staff areas for specific information.

Who's the course for?

This course is for anyone who is new to Adobe and is designed to familiarise you with the different applications and products on offer from Adobe. During the session, we round up the most standout applications and explain, in simple terms, what they do and why you might need them. By the end of the session, you should have a firm understanding as to which application you should use for which particular job or project. This is ideal for anyone wanting to attend our Adobe courses. 

What you'll learn 

  • Discover what exactly Adobe is 
  • Uncover what all the different Adobe Applications do 
  • Identify which application is best suited to a particular job or project 
  • Get to know when you should use a certain application 
  • Guidance on how to access the various Adobe products 
Lisa Wallace profile picture - Software Trainer
Lisa Wallace

Lisa Wallace - Course Lead

Lisa delivers courses across the Adobe ACP range and bitesize courses. Her key areas of training include Photoshop, Indesign and Lightroom. Lisa has a background in Graphic Design with industry knowledge and skills that are valuable to all students on the courses she teaches.